Online C & G Courses
May 2021 - UPDATE
Following the National Lockdown announcement and the published guidance for the further education sector from the Department of Education. We moved the majority of our courses onto a remote delivery model through a virtual classroom environment with tutors delivering live from our centre in Bristol after Christmas up to the Easter break. Traditional Classes have resumed in the majority of cases post Easter and whilst we are confident of the Covid-19 Secure measures implemented within our training centre and throughout the Avondale Business Centre it's vital for everyone's safety that we comply with the guidance issued from PHE/Department of Education. We will support all current and future learners to the best of our ability. All examinations & Practical assessments will be scheduled in accordance with our Covid-19 risk assessment strategy and class numbers are being limited in both our workshops and classrooms at the present time. Although F7 air filtration (intake and extract) has been installed for everyone's safety along with masks, alcohol based sanitisers and wipes and increased cleaning cycles, it's vital everyone complies throughout our premises with the safeguards in place.